(June 2021) Recovery College

As we come out of business continuity, we are aiming to step back up Recovery College within our service. This has previously been accessible by all three wards, with inter-ward mixing to participate in the session.
How are people delivering Recovery College at present, particularly given current restrictions in terms of social distancing, issues relating to infection control and inability to have mixed ward groups?
We do not have any current Recovery College sessions running. The person who was taking the lead on this retired at the end of last year, no-one has been put in place to replace her. As this is a time consuming role it isn’t really practical for it to be done by staff at a ward level, ward duties wont allow such a time demanding role. Due to the current restrictions still in place here we still have no cross pathway sessions, we also have limits for the amount of people who are allowed in our therapy rooms at any one time. Most of our rooms are 4 people maximum, this is not many when all service users have to be escorted. It is a shame we don’t have a dedicated lead for the Recovery College, they could be trying to find solutions to our current situation. We have had some really positive feedback from some of the courses we ran, it would be great to get them back up and running. Newton Lodge
Hi we are finding it extremely difficult as wards cannot mix. I am only able to have co delivered courses running if the patient co delivering is delivering it to patients from their own ward. I am finding the time useful to promote recovery college by going to coffee mornings and using the time to write some courses with patient groups on the ward. Another solution now that visitors are allowed back in, we have an ex patient who we trained as a peer trainer, having him coming back in has allowed us to deliver courses one ward at a time on different dates. Although uptake at present isn’t brilliant as most patients enjoy the mixing of wards when they attend. Wathwood
At Waterloo we have just started a 12 week Term – Wednesdays are our Recovery College Day- we are only releasing 4 weeks at a time and have had to make changes already before the 2nd 4 weeks is released due to staffing. We are risk assessed to mix wards due to high uptake of vaccine and after discussions with CQC in particular; around staff movement around wards and section 17 leave is allowed and then being able to justify not mixing for therapy- which we class recovery college. We are limited on numbers due to social distancing- we ask people to confirm booking on that morning as part of their planning meeting so we can arrange room accordingly. Max 6 people in one room, can fit up to 9 in another. We social distance, wash hands and wipe down. We are focusing courses on fun, building relationships and confidence in attending groups again. We are also trying to put on courses that don’t require much in terms of physical elements or passing things around. E.g. we do an around the world group that we used to cook and taste- we are now doing individual quizzes and fact sheets with individual food options where possible to take away, another is music appreciation where each person selects a song to listen to – one person only uses the computer and discussions are had around the song choice- we are creating a playlist over the weeks to share with others to try and encourage people to join us down the line. Waterloo Manor

(June 2021) Patient access to printers

I was wondering if you would be able to put the feelers out to other services in the network around patient access to printers for educational and personal use. How do they manage and monitor this and what measures do they take to prevent overuse/misuse?
Access to printers at (for Service Users) is accessed through the Inspire Space (Library), where Service Users can access computers, internet and printers as part of a meaningful activity. No limits, as long as this is part of a structured meaningful engagement or focused on improving their stay at moorlands view. Moorlands View
At Forest Lodge service users who would like things printing (in moderation) are offered this through our OT printer or reception. If a service user is printing excessive amounts we encourage them to purchase their own printer with paper etc (which is currently happening for one service user in particular). If it was for the purpose of education, e.g. workbooks, material, this would be provided. It needs to be weighed up on an individual basis I think, but also have the conversation about being considerate of the environment and whether everything needs printing. Forest Lodge
We have printers attached to the two internet enabled computers here at Bretton Centre. Service users can print off from their sessions if they wish.  Haven’t come across an issue re. large amounts wanting to be printed.  All sessions are supervised. Bretton Centre
Internet sessions – our patients visit the library for internet once a week, they are allowed up to 30 pages per week and encouraged to print in black and white unless there is a specific need for colour. Education – no limit if its within reason and specific for the education session – they are
encouraged to save to usb memory stick rather than printing. Ward based computer/printer.. I will have to get back to you on that one; I do know some patients in the past have purchased their own reams of paper. Wathwood

(June 2021) Chairing Community Meetings

We have had a service review this week and a number of issues have come to light. The suggestion is that the ‘community’ meetings which are facilitated by staff do not facilitate service users raising issues regarding issues they may have with staff or the service in general. My question is are there any other models where these meetings are independently facilitated?
Our patients forums are chaired by the patients and we have a script of what they should say/ask and a running order of the agenda, we usually have staff available to support if needed. We have also just appointed a patient to be the secretary for the forum to take the minutes. We always ensure there is more patients than staff and only the staff needed to answer questions attend, advocacy can also help. Wathwood
Yes we find with peoples council were the hospital manager and MDT and other hospitals come together and talk about issues have not been resolved in community meetings it is a high platform for the service users to bring up and all got to our Hospital IG meeting. if you want any information just let me know. I am the positive and safe lead with in Sheffield cygnet hospital so I work on the wards with the patients. I also try and make sure the ward use less restrictive practice. I care the meetings because I am not working on the wards as ward staff so the patient will feel more comfortable talk to me that if they are having issues on the ward. I also invite the CAMHs manager, hospital manager and clinical manager and quality lead with in the hospital.  Cygnet Sheffield
I think it is different across each of our wards depending upon the nature of the patient group, however there tends to be a shared model used.  A staff member may begin the meeting, but the ward rep might be the one who chairs and then asks all staff and patients of any issues they might
like to raise which is then recorded (usually by a patient in a shared communication book).  There are some of the wards whereby the staff may have to have more input but this is the general approach from my experience across different wards, Cheswold Park
Any ‘issues’ with the service usually come through our monthly service user meetings and are addressed there and feedback though community meetings. I’m not sure if specific staff or more urgent issues would perhaps go through ward round or a advocate/complaint. Stockton Hall

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