“The Network gives us courage to champion change – we are a body of people with a common goal who help each other be the best we can be”
- CQUINs – Ensure that commissioners complete CQUIN assessments with services in a creative and inclusive way. Ensure there is a communication channel with NHS England around CQUIN compliance and areas that need addressing within CQUIN meetings.
- Admin support to free up Involvement Leads time to effectively deliver on the strategy – continually develop the admin role as needed.
- Work with all the services to support the development, delivery and evaluation of the 16 engagement plans as advisors/consultants
- PD Strategy work – complete report with recommendations to feed in to the wider strategy work being completed by Mark Naylor.
- PD Strategy work – Attend and contribute to the PD Stategy steering group and feedback outcomes of focus groups and interviews to the group
- Network projects to be formally supported by the commissioning team e.g. SeQuIn tool, revised CPA standards through KPI’s/contracting meetings etc.
- Regularly evaluate engagement plans to measure progress and service improvement in Involvement using a consistent method.
- Outcome measures – Number of meetings per quarter, number of other events per quarter – to be used for the annual reports
- SeQuIn Tool to be refined and developed with the University of Central Lancashire and InMind to include easy read accessible version and online version for ease of use. Including website and Point and Widgits
- Use all data collected for annual report – attendance etc.
- Secure funding on a longer term basis/substantively for the roles
- Consideration to be given to the potential to expand the Involvement Lead roles and team.
- STP work – Ensure longer term and sustainable involvement in forensic services across the three STP’s.
- Roll out the SeQuIn Tool and support services to use it effectively and share best practice
- Look into the possibility of the SeQuIn Tool becoming a CQUIN in the future