Alternatives to Admission for Children and Young People with an Eating Disorder

The Humber and North Yorkshire Specialised Mental Health Learning Disability and Autism Provider Collaborative (HNY PC) are responsible for commissioning Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) CAMHS Inpatient Services in the Humber and North Yorkshire area. There are 2 CAMHS inpatient units; Mill Lodge which is situated in York, and Inspire which is situated in Hull. HNY PC work closely with these 2 units in relation to service development
and delivery of quality services.
The Yorkshire and Humber Involvement Network have been commissioned to work closely with the Humber and North Yorkshire PC, and bring together service users, families, staff and commissioners to share their experiences and views and work together to improve the quality of services and support that people receive. The Yorkshire and Humber Involvement Network are commissioned to increase involvement opportunities within the 2 CAMHS inpatient units and ensure involvement of CYP and families within the HNY PC, and were asked to carry out this piece of work to ensure that CYP, families and staff could all share their experiences in order to influence the Alternatives to Admission work, and to come up with key recommendations around this.
Click here to read the report!
We have just had an article published in the Journal of Forensic Practice about our Secure Quality Involvement (SeQuIn) Tool.
Click Here to read it!
The Secure Quality Involvement (SeQuIn) tool: benchmarking co-production in secure services

Advancing Equalities 2022

NHSE England commissioned the Yorkshire and Humber Network to explore Health inequalities in Mental Health Secure services during a 3-month project in late 2021. Health Inequalities is a top priority and a key identified area for action and change nationally as well as in our region as identified by the Provider Collaboratives. This scoping exercise is only the beginning phase of plans to help reduce health inequalities in secure services. Service user experiences is vital to support data. We hope this report will cover some themes and trends that are familiar to your own journey, but also allow conversations to start for you and for your experiences to be heard to improve quality of services and care delivery in the future.
Click here to read it!
The Advancing Equalities Report was also supported by a Virtual Event and Newsletter: Click here to read it!

Our Voice Counts Project

The ‘Our Voice Counts’ Project was commissioned to ensure the voices of the BAME population at Newton Lodge were heard and everyone was given equitable opportunity to be involved.
‘Our Voice Counts’ followed on from other Inequalities projects in West Yorkshire that highlighted a need to raise awareness of the BAME population experience.
Experiences of service users from a BAME background at Newton Lodge were gathered via a series of face-to-face meetings using guided questions and appreciative enquiry in conversation.
Views of staff were also collected around the experiences of the BAME population, including any good practice.
Data was also collated and compared to local demographic information and Themes and trends were identified.
Overall, this project has given assurance that involvement processes are in place for all and that the staff team are supporting individuals to have their voice heard. There is a continual drive to improve quality of experience for those from a BAME background.
This has however only been a snapshot in time, and recommendations have been made to ensure process for continual check in, as Service User and Staff populations constantly change and more can always be done.
Click here to read it!

Peer Support Worker Workshop

Welcome to the summary newsletter following our ‘Peer Support Worker’ workshop on the 22nd February. We met virtually on Microsoft Teams to  feedback on ideas around peer based approaches that we have gathered over the last year. We hope of create a strategy that enables people who have received care in Yorkshire and Humber Services to go on to volunteer or work in a variety of roles to support others on their recovery journey; ‘To give back’ and for those who need care in the future to have access to a peer support worker, ‘someone who knows what it is like to have similar experiences’
Click here to read it!



Out of Area Report

Moving back home “Take a chance on me”

West Yorkshire and Harrogate Provider Collaborative commissioned us to carry out a piece of work to speak with service users who originate from Yorkshire and Humber but are currently placed Out of Area. We spoke to people who originate from Yorkshire and Humber and are currently placed in 5 key services out of area where a number of Yorkshire and Humber patients are placed. These services included Cygnet Hospital Bury, St Andrews Healthcare Northampton, Elysium Hospital Arbury Court, Priory Hospital Kemple View and Priory Hospital Meadow View. 
For completeness we also spoke to a group of service users at a recent Yorkshire and Humber Involvement Network event who are currently placed within Yorkshire and Humber about their experiences of being placed out of area – some were currently out of area from outside of Yorkshire and Humber, some were currently out of area but from within Yorkshire and Humber and some had been out of area previously and were reflecting on these historical experiences. Please click on this link to read the full report:
Click here to read it!



Health and Justice and Specialised Commissioning Project

This report was commissioned by Julie Dhuny, NHS England/Improvement Head of Health and Justice Commissioning for the North of England and Alison Cannon, Head of Mental Health for the North of England. The report summarises findings from 3 workshops held over the summer of 2019 with providers of prison Mental Health and in-patient secure Mental Health services and 2 workshops with service users managed within separate prison and hospital based Mental Health settings.
The purpose of the workshops was to scope opportunities for closer working between providers and commissioners of prison based Mental Health services and hospital based secure Mental Health services and has been prepared by Mick Burns, NHS England/Improvement Offender Personality Disorder (OPD) Co-Commissioner and Neil Piggin, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service OPD Co-Commissioner with support from Jo Harris and Holly Cade, Secure Service Involvement Leads (Yorkshire and Humber).
Click here to read it!

Personality Disorder Strategy

NHS England commissioned a strategic review of personality disorder (PD) specific low and medium secure inpatient services for men and women within the Yorkshire and Humber region as well as a mapping of available community provision. The key task of the strategic review was to make key recommendations as part of a 3-5 year strategic implementation plan with the aim to help develop best practice inpatient care and the development of community pathways that better meet the needs of service users. Crucial to the success of the strategic review was a thorough consultation to gather views, and better understand the experiences, of all key stake holders including service users, staff and senior clinical leaders within such services.
We were tasked with gaining a better understanding of current practices and pathways through engagement and discussion with service users and staff, as well as to better understand the needs of service users and the workforce and to make some recommendations based on this work. There are 3 STP areas in Yorkshire and Humber and the first phase of the project focused on Humber Coast and Vale with the second phase focusing on the 2 remaining areas.
There were different ways that staff and service users could be involved, either through attending a pre-arranged focus group, or by attending a 1:1 semi structured interview. For each ward we offered 2 separate focus group opportunities for both staff and service users, as well as the 1:1 options. We kept the focus groups separate for staff and service users to enable everyone to feel comfortable speaking openly within the group. In general staff were happy to attend focus groups and this worked well. The majority of service users preferred to attend on a 1:1 basis. We also offered an opportunity for staff to input to the process via a Survey Monkey Questionnaire after the focus groups had finished to capture anyone who hadn’t been able to attend. We also sent out paper copies to services so that service users could also input in this way. To read the reports click on the links below
PD Pathway Strategy Part 1
PD Pathway Strategy Part 2
Personality Disorder Strategy engagement report

It’s the Talk – Health Expectations

Back in 2014 we had a journal article published in Health Expectations, called: It’s the talk: a study of involvement initiatives in secure mental health settings
Click here to read it!