Hi All,
Thank you to everyone who has officially welcomed me to my Secondment, I have already been around the network for a while and you may recognise me from Waterloo (where you will still find me part time) My background is working with women, promoting relational experiences and championing new and innovative ways of working and from presentations at Sandal and the Conferences over the years you may have seen my passion for collaboration, recovery and fun; but I thought it only fair that you got to know a bit more about me in this blog as I make my way around the region…..
Hello, my name is Charlotte!
I love all things Harry Potter, going to the theatre to sing-a- long to musicals and reading.
I dislike spiders, cold weather and warm drinks (unless it is hot chocolate mmmmm )
Favourite Quote: “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” ~Dumbledore
So far I have had an illuminating induction and loved every minute of getting to learn about all the different people and services that make up this unique Network. My hope is to get to know you all better over the upcoming weeks so please feel free to stop me for a chat or ask me questions about why I wanted to work with Holly & Jo!
Best Wishes,