“Opportunities to have a say on our services”
“Service users from other services have been inspired by this network, and have increased their own engagement in the hospital”
“Listening to people’s stories gives me hope”
- Ensure there is a variety of ways for people to choose to engage with the Network meetings – Sharing best practice through presentations or group work, team building, Imagineer, Round Robin, contributing to group work and discussions, bringing information to the meetings and feeding back to the service afterwards, contributing to Newsletters, sitting on planning groups. The Website and the use of Point and Widgits software. Imagineer”
- Use volunteer sheets to engage people with the regional meetings and ensure everyone gets involved how they want to
- Maintain an awareness of wider opportunities for Involvement and proactively promote these within the Network. E.g. Recovery and Outcomes Group, PD Network, Quality Network. STP groups etc.
- Support to embed involvement structures within services through individual engagement plans and the Benchmarking Tool.
- Increased engagement with the wider Network meetings – raise awareness of the Network on the wards with both staff and service users.
- Support services to maintain and increase their engagement through the individual Service Engagement Plans.
- Ensure commissioners are an active and ongoing part of the 5 year Involvement strategy alongside all Network services – through their Individual Engagement Plan.
- Continue to develop creative ways to help make all meetings and information accessible to all, including the use of Newsletters to share information.
- PD Strategy work – Engage and consult with service users and staff through the use of focus groups and individual interviews in nominated services in each STP. Use the learning from the pilot phase in Humber Coast and Vale.
- Evaluation – sign in sheets at meetings for monitoring attendance – services, service users and staff for annual reports.
- STP work – Engage with service users and staff in developing future integrated pathways and innovative service provision across the three STPs
- STP work – Consult with service users and staff around current in-patient services and provision across the whole pathway with a focus on quality, service user experience and outcomes, gaps in services, treatment focus, the workforce and unwarranted variation
- Develop creative ways to collect meaningful feedback from meetings. Evaluate processes to further develop involvement and engagement and ensure they are FABULOUS!
- Think about how best to involve others who are harder to engage – sharing strategies across the region.
- Increase engagement with each service by having a nominated person who takes the lead for Involvement with the Network, ensuring consistency, good attendance and engagement.
- Develop ways to ensure that there are always people involved and that this doesn’t stop when someone moves on.
- Work with each STP area to develop local Involvement Networks with staff and service users. Look at opportunities to engage with community providers, FOLS, whole pathway engagement from April 2020
- Ensure engagement is developed and maintained with the 3 STP areas, and to develop an Individual Engagement Plan with each of them
- Development of Action Learning Set for sharing best practice throughout the Network.
- Consider the use of technology for further sharing and engaging people with the Network – Podcast, film, live streaming.