“Gives hope and inspiration”
“You learn more from failure than success”
“Socialise and meet people”
“Do what makes you happy and smile”
- Ensure the meetings are a way for people to find out what is happening, be able to ask questions, and feedback to commissioners. Commissioners to be present as a direct link at all Network meetings.
- Support service users and staff to be involved with the Mental Health Service Review and for services to work collaboratively with each other through the process, as well as with wider pathways.
- Identifying gaps for people who don’t engage and develop strategies for this.
- Develop a form for volunteering at meetings for presentations, team building and other opportunities
- Offer regular peer support to all Involvement Leads within the Network to get support from others, to share information, to promote consistency, to reduce isolation due to the autonomous nature of the role.
- Consider what motivates people to get involved in the Network and offer more of those opportunities. Use the Evaluation sheets to collate this
- Support staff with increasing motivation of service users to ensure better engagement in community meetings/ involvement forums
- Improve profile of regional involvement within the services to ensure people are aware of opportunities for involvement and the benefits of this – attending meetings and events within services, ensuring our faces are familiar within services, posters…
- CQUIN meeting Leads – Services per CQUIN area identified and linked to a mentoring role to other non – lead services.
- Deliver an annual conference for the Network that celebrates achievements related to Involvement, which is fun, creative and inclusive.
- Develop guidance for presentations to ensure that they are always accessible, appropriate and collaborative and run to time.
- Develop a culture of presenting ‘1 thing that went wrong, why it went wrong and what was the learning’ to create a culture of shared learning and support the less confident and established services to feel empowered and able to engage and deliver.”
- Involvement – lots of opportunities currently exist. To undertake a review among services to determine if all fit for purpose and identify new ideas for involvement and engagement with the Network. SeQuIn tool for Involvement.