Many of you will have Service Involvement Meetings in addition to your ward community meetings (although may have struggled with them of late due to Covid) and we know they have many different names – One Voice, Patients Council etc. But if you hold these meetings and would be happy to share your agenda’s that would be much appreciated and would help with thinking about useful topics to focus these meetings.
Yes we use an agenda as best we can….It has worked really well for the structure and focus of the meetings. I go round on the day of the meeting to ask the reps what they have from their wards for the agenda then we follow it through at the meeting. We’ve only missed two meetings as we currently hold them in the sports hall because it’s nice a big so we can space out. We usually have and AOB at the end but sometimes there isn’t time so I follow things up on the wards. I’ve attached the agenda for this afternoon if that helps. Minutes from last month. E-cig update. Service User Network update. BBQ or events. Courtyard leave – female time. Real work opportunities. LGBT+ Group. AOB. Stockton Hall
Intros and ice breakers. 1 hot topic from each community meeting & 5 min problem solving to help these issues. Updates from Governance/ management team. Items to be taken to Governance. Workshop e.g. post Covid how to re-energise or SeQuIn Tool Standards, update welcome pack etc. Waterloo One Voice
We do not have any standing agenda items, in the past we have had LGBT, hate crime, bullying and least restrictive practice. However as it’s the patient’s own forum they discussed this and chose not to have standing agenda items as most of them were confidential subjects and preferred it to be an open forum. A patient did comment that having standing agenda items prompted people to look for a negative rather than a positive issue. It does follow a set meeting format with no standing agenda items at present. It has been a while since this was reviewed at the forum so maybe it’s worth us raising it at our next forum. Wathwood Patient’s Forum
We don’t really have a set agenda, we briefly summarise the minutes of the last meeting, management will discuss anything they think needs bringing up and staff and patients are given the chance to discuss anything they want to. What we sometimes do that helps is put up a blank sheet of paper with the date of the meeting and everyone can add anything they want discussing in the meeting. Amber Lodge
Attendees Apologies. Previous meetings minutes and Actions. Sharing information – Good things what are happing on the ward which are new, Things that could be Better on the ward. Voices Heard – Servicer Users, Carers, External Visitors. Best Practice/Lessons Learned. Project Feedback – Project Groups, Support plans, One page profiles. Community Meeting issues (not resolved in last 3 community meetings). Blanket Rules. Any other business. Cygnet
Welcome & Introductions. Revisit Ground Rules. Review of Overarching Peoples Council Action Plan. Feedback from [ward name]. Feedback from Advocacy Forums. Feedback from Recovery College. [Specific Items to be added as required]. Agree Actions for completion. Any other business. Cygnet Sheffield