‘We would like to ask do any services use Netflix (individual accounts and dongles)? Also do any other services allow risk assessed, individually care planned, unsupervised access to ward based rooms such as ADL kitchens, IT suite, gym?’
At Forest lodge we have a Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon account for our lounge television. Patients have individual accounts for their rooms, although it’s their own personal accounts and we don’t issue individual accounts. Can’t comment on care planned unsupervised rooms, as we are exploring this ourselves. Forest Lodge, Respondent 1 (Acute Ward)
We do allow individual access to Netflix etc in bedspaces via the Trust Wi-Fi. We also allow unsupervised access in the IT room, although this is on the ward. Pine View, Humber Centre
Here at Forest Lodge hospital we do use Netflix which patients have got access if they want to. Patients can get their own account if so inclined and are purchasing this themselves. On the Rehabilitation ward we do have patients who gets unsupervised access to the ADL kitchen, This is after a risk assessment and discussion in the MDT. The Kitchen access SOP is discussed with their named nurse and they sign an agreement as to how the kitchen should be kept, the trust bare below the elbow guidance follow, they all need to have the food Hygiene level 1 certificate which is done with the OT staff as much as possible. Other areas within the hospital are supervised. Forest Lodge, Respondent 2 (Rehab Ward)