Involvement Strategy Template Vlog

Involvement Strategy Template Vlog

Here is a link to the Service Involvement Strategy ‘Vlog’ that we have created as a Network. Click here to access it
Here you can find the PowerPoint slides with the Template that the Vlog has been based on:
Involvement Strategy template
If your organisation blocks videos on YouTube you can also access the training video here:
Vlog Involvement Strategy
About the Network Training

About the Network Training

 Here is a link to the About the Network Training video that we have created as a Network. Click here to access it
Here you can find the PowerPoint slides that the training has been based on:

About the Network Training Slides

If your organisation blocks videos on YouTube you can also access the training video here:

About the Network Training mp4

Secure Quality Involvement (SeQuIn) Tool Training

Secure Quality Involvement (SeQuIn) Tool Training

Here is a link to the SeQuIn Tool training that we have created as a Network. Click here to access it
Here you can find the PowerPoint slides that the training has been based on:

SeQuIn Tool Training Slides

If your organisation blocks videos on YouTube you can also access the training video here:

SeQuIn Tool Training mp4

Involvement Training

Involvement Training

Here is a link to the Involvement training Video that we have created as a Network. Click here to access it
Here you can find the PowerPoint slides that the training has been based on:

Involvement Training Slides

If your organisation blocks videos on YouTube you can also access the training video here:

Involvement Taining mp4

Training Ideas!

Training Ideas!

Training Ideas!

What other training would you find useful for us to provide as a Network?

Send us your ideas!