So the dust is settling after our 4th annual conference, held at the National Coal Mining museum in Wakefield and sponsored by Cygnet Healthcare!

150 of us got together (service users, staff, commissioner and some outside visitors) to celebrate the launch of this website, and the Secure Quality Involvement (SeQuIn) Tool that was sponsored by InMind Healthcare! Waterloo Manor and Moorlands View hospital helped to plan the event this year, thank you to everyone who helped to support the planning of such a successful event!

We had some amazing inspirational people on the agenda, Iris Benson who spoke about her journey through and out of services “staff dreamed for me until I could dream for myself” and how important our words are “be careful with your words, they can only be forgiven not forgotten”, and she also told us some fabulous stories about her receiving her MBE from prince Charles!

We had a performance from Tim who is rediscovering his artistic roots since leaving services himself and entertained us by taking us all on a voyage on The Spirit of Balance Sailing Ship across the high seas with a message in a bottle that launched our “SeQueen” Tool! Ahoy there!

We had some fun workshops including Indian drumming from Biant Singh, Mosaic making from Seagulls ReUse and a Ceilidh band Wild Geese who got everyone up and dancing! And of course we also had the underground Coal Mining Tour which is always very popular.

The main highlight of the day was our SeQuIn Tool competition, where all the services entered a 2 minute PowerPoint slide and collaborative presentation to win a £250 giant cheque! Newton Lodge were the winners this year with their entry for Technology!

Waterloo Manor took a close 2nd place with their Shared Risk Assessment entry and won a £100 Amazon voucher! 3rd place went to the Bretton Centre with their Recovery College entry and they won lots of chocolate! But everyone was a winner, all of the entries were fantastic and great to see everyone working together and so much creativity in the room!

Competition entry!

To finish the day we played our video demo of the website and everyone filled in their feedback forms to enter our raffle! We will put all of the information in to a Newsletter and upload that on here as soon as it is ready to view! Until next year!