The ‘Big Task’ was set at the ‘Big Get Together’ at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park during our first meeting as a Network post covid. Just after some lovely sandwiches but just before people set off walking, we announced our task; the hope was that the sculptures and natural beauty would inspire some creative pieces of artwork to get under way across the Yorkshire and Humber services… all with the competitive calling of a ‘Big Cheque Prize’, kindly sponsored by Cygnet Health Care.
We would hold a virtual follow up to the ‘Big Get Together’ one month later giving services time to plan, prepare, create and involve more people in the ‘Big Task.’
12 services from across the region took up the ‘Big Task’ and created some outstanding artwork and sculptures. Each service also created a film about their task experience to share on the virtual platform. Services films showcased their task process, inspiration, final artworks and the reason they should win.
Each of the services voted for one another… Eurovision style (but more competitive and less drama.)
The artwork and films were outstanding! The effort gone in was more than we could have hoped, the same for the number of people involved, along with the enthusiasm and emotion the whole project brought.
Projects included posters, human shape and size sculptures, tall towers, recreations of the YSP, poetry, spoken word, models large and small, and sing a long song! The Projects were colourful, fun and creative. Some of the projects had meaningful content that reflected environmental concerns, the technology movement, mental health issues & stigma and health and wellbeing. All were created with passion, pride and competitive spirit!
I was so glad to be excluded from the voting in my Graham Norton hosting role and had to remain NEUTRAL AT ALL TIMES! (I would not have been able to see the voting slip for tears of joy anyway! What a wonderful virtual event to have been part of)
Congratulations to Cheswold Park who won the closely competitive competition and were crowned worthy winners of the ‘Big Cheque’ Prize and 2022 Yorkshire and Humber Bragging rights.

If you would like to see Hot Glue & Desperation from Cheswold and some of the other amazing entries please look out for the conference page on the Yorkshire and Humber website: Conferences – Yorkshire And Humber Involvement Network where you can find task films, Big Get Together photos and Newsletter Re-cap of both events!
Thank you to all who took part… we cannot wait until next year for our ‘Next Get Together.’