As part of our latest Network meeting, we had a Re-cap of the ‘Big Get Together’ & ‘Big Task’ from our alternative summer conference. The buzz of the day and subsequent task were still being talked about and we wanted to ride that wave of positive energy as long as we could following years of intensity, restrictions and covid.
We had a flick through all the photos of the day and reminisced of the good times, firmly cementing some more Yorkshire and Humber memories to mind.
The event had gotten great feedback too from you all, with the main theme coming up as ‘togetherness’- this was our hope – we even named it! You were all so happy just to meet up, have fun and laughter, and be out and about together.
The energy of the day reached further than the picnic and walk and was brought back into service too. The enthusiasm for the task was unprecedented and motivated so many people to join in, really bringing the network spirit and slogan to life- Get involved!
We saw amazing art pieces and films that captured your hard work and dedication to the project, for which we cannot thank you enough. It was overwhelming to see everyone come together in a shared activity, again demonstrating the resilience and brilliance of Yorkshire and Humber.
On our rounds before, during and after the ‘Big Get Together’ ‘Big Task’ and ‘Big Re-Cap’ we got to hear about your experiences of the project as a whole and what we realised along the way is that this was more than just a picnic and walk, more than an art project, this was the hope we had all been waiting for, the push back to covid and its restrictions.
The simplicity of a joint up risk assessment brought challenge across the region, equity in approach to an outing and paved the way for further risk assessment review, lessening of covid restriction and easing of covid infection prevention measures- brining services more inline with each other and the general population. All it took was one yes- and we got it, TOGETHER!
The ‘Get Together’ and ‘Task’ brought new people to the Network as well as strengthening relationships that had been virtual for such a long time.
We saw service users for the first time in months who remembered the ‘old Sandal days’ and could not gel with the virtual platform or of the distant Network, those who bring the relational to the movement back involved.
We met with service users who for them this was their first interaction with the Network, relaying their input with the task and how people were playing a part in a competition, so excitedly, not knowing we were facilitating the Network.
We heard about staff who joined in with activities for the first time with gusto and are keen to stay involved. We have heard stories of motivation and renewed energy from staff who attended.
We have seen sculptures and displays of the day proudly situated in reception areas.
For us it has led to more in-reach into services, we are happily touring the region and catching up with as many of you as we can. If you have an event or an activity you would like to share with us- please do!
The ‘Big Get Together’ is still talked about months after the fact! The ‘Big Get Together’ has had a ‘Big Impact,’ one that is still playing out and we can’t wait to hear more motivational stories and ‘Get Together’ again.
See you soon 😊