What is Christmas and What Does it Mean to Me?

As we are aware Christmas is a time of celebration and festivities over a period, and for some, Christmas conjures up memories of the mad dash for all the food that we seem to eat, presents we need to buy, visits/visitors that we make or receive and watching the same repeats on television again. But where did it all start?

The end of an era – well a ‘decade’ at least!

Whether or not you like it, football, has had a profound impact on our lives beyond the excitement it brings to stadiums and living rooms. Beyond the goals and victories, football plays a significant role in promoting mental health and well-being. In this short article, we will explore how this sport, loved by millions worldwide, positively influences mental health and how can get involved in your own football journey.

Added Time: Community Football and Wellbeing.

Whether or not you like it, football, has had a profound impact on our lives beyond the excitement it brings to stadiums and living rooms. Beyond the goals and victories, football plays a significant role in promoting mental health and well-being. In this short article, we will explore how this sport, loved by millions worldwide, positively influences mental health and how can get involved in your own football journey.

Remember, remember the fifth of November…

Today, we all know the 5th of November as Bonfire Night, but the roots of this centuries-old tradition are much more than an evening of sparks and illumination…

Table Tennis…

Sports have always held a special place in my heart, and among the countless sports I have played, table tennis stands out to me as one of the best. This fast-paced game offers not just fun, but also an easy way to stay active. Imagine this: a sport with a small ball flying across a 9-foot table at speeds exceeding 90mph, making for such an exciting challenge to keep up and remain in control in the rally. While, engaging in this sport, at any level, can be both exhaustive and yet incredibly stimulating for our bodies.

Trick or Treat? The History of Hallowe’en…

We live in a busy world, and it’s often so very easy to forget to take that time to check in with ourselves or others to maintain that balance. So, our team hit the pause button and did just that! The kettle went on, the biscuits came out, and we took time out to get together and chat.

World Mental Health Day 2023…

We live in a busy world, and it’s often so very easy to forget to take that time to check in with ourselves or others to maintain that balance. So, our team hit the pause button and did just that! The kettle went on, the biscuits came out, and we took time out to get together and chat.

Running… A soul-reviving journey

Running, a simple yet profound activity, has the power to do more than just improve your physical health. It has the remarkable ability to nourish your soul, providing a sense of well-being and inner peace that transcends the physical benefits. In this blog, we explore why running is good for the soul, delving into the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects that make it a transformative experience.

Welly Fest 2023- What a Wonderful Day!

It seems a while since the antics of Welly Fest now, but it’s certainly a day I’ll never forget. It was such a fun filled day and a real showcase of what Involvement actually is! I love music and there was plenty of it- from professional bands and singers to talented service user performers and even a silent disco!

Vegetables…in a cake? Surely not!

I know, right! Vegetables in a cake…what an abomination! Or so I thought. I can comfortably and confidently say that I am now converted and will be exploring other vegetable-based cake recipes after trying Nash’s courgette cake with lemon curd filling and cream cheese frosting!