Here are some examples of the other CQUIN groups and archived newsletters that have been running over the last few years.

Health and Wellbeing CQUIN Newsletter Archive

HW CQUIN; Passport Workshop Summary

HW CQUIN Newsletter 4

HW CQUIN Newsletter 3

HW CQUIN Newsletter 2

HW CQUIN Newsletter 1

Here is the CQUIN guidance and some supporting documents that you may find useful:

 My Physical Health Passport what does good look like?



Presentation healthy weight 05.09.19

PSS4 Healthy Weight in Adult Secure MH Services draft final v2.1 PSS CQUIN 2019_20





PSS4 Healthy Weight in Adult Secure MH Services final report Aug 18


A toolkit to support the development of a hospital food and drink strategy

Recovery College CQUIN

The Recovery College CQUIN group ran once a quarter for the two years of the CQUIN. 4 of the Network services were involved in the planning and delivery of these CQUIN groups with the meetings being attended by all of the Network partners. Following the meetings, we create Newsletters/Bulletins to share the presentations, group work and minutes in an accessible format so that they can be shared back in services with the service users and staff.
Some of the issues we looked at were around: Co-production and participation, Outcome measures, Planning the Recovery College Showcase, Updates and sharing best practice, Feedback and fun, Learning from last term, what is new this term? Catalogue of ideas, Goals, values and outcomes, Sustainability and what’s next. We heard from the commissioning team about new ways of reporting for CQUIN’s and a requirement for all services to present annually at one of the CQUIN meetings.
All of this information was captured over the year in the Bulletins that are sent out to ensure that everyone can benefit from the information and work that has taken place in the CQUIN Groups.

Please click on the following links to see the Newsletters for this CQUIN:

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 13

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 12

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 11

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 10

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 9

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 8

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 7

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 6

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 5

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 4

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 3

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 2

Recovery College CQUIN Bulletin 1


Reducing Restrictive Practice CQUIN

The Reducing Restrictive Practice CQUIN group ran once a quarter for the two years of the CQUIN. 4 of the Network services were involved in the planning and delivery of these CQUIN groups with the meetings being attended by all of the Network partners.
Some of the issues we looked at over the course of this CQUIN were around: CQC guide to the use of blanket restrictions, debating takeaways! Quality Network Newsletter article, Resolutions – how far have we come? Feedback and fun, section 17 leave, update and themes, Healthy eating and health promotion, smoking and e-cigarettes, mobile phones and the internet, Personal impact of RRP, Our most ridiculous restrictions stories!
All of this information was captured over the year in the Bulletins that are sent out to ensure that everyone can benefit from the information and work that has taken place in the CQUIN Groups.

Please click on the following links to see the Newsletters for this CQUIN:

Reducing Restrictive Practice Bulletin 12 

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 11

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 10

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 9

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 8

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 7

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 6

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 5

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 4

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 3

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 2

Reducing Restrictive Practice bulletin 1


Carer Involvement CQUIN

This CQUIN ran once a quarter for the two years of the CQUIN. Four of the Network services were involved in the planning and delivery of these CQUIN groups with the meetings being attended by all of the Network partners. Some of the issues that we looked at over the course of this CQUIN were around: developing evaluation tools, how to support carers on a regional level and used a Snakes and Ladders approach to ask everyone what barriers (snakes) they have been coming up against and what they have achieved (ladders) over the course of the CQUIN. How to share information regarding confidentiality with carers, how to improve carer involvement in governance, how to improve attendance at carer events and how to open up wards to carers.
All of this information was captured over the year in the Bulletins that are sent out to ensure that everyone can benefit from the information and work that has taken place in the CQUIN Groups.

Please click on the following links to see the Newsletters for this CQUIN:

Carers Bulletin 8

Carers Bulletin 7

Carers Bulletin 6

Carers Bulletin 5

Carers Bulletin 4

Carers Bulletin 3

Carers Bulletin 2

Carers Bulletin 1


Collaborative Risk Assessment CQUIN

This CQUIN ran once a quarter for the one year duration of the CQUIN. 2 of the Network services were involved in the planning and delivery of these CQUIN groups with the meetings being attended by all of the Network partners. Some of the issues that we looked at over the course of this CQUIN were:
We started by breaking down the CQUIN requirements as some found this confusing. We did some work around how to evidence that risk assessments have been done in collaboration, and how to really make this meaningful for service users. We looked at audit and evaluation tools that different services were using or developing. We used the 6 Thinking Hats Model to come up with some solutions to the barriers that people were coming up against and this was useful to think about a range of different issues and support services to share learning and ideas with each other. We used the Snakes and Ladders exercise to identify barriers and achievements, and also the From Land’s End to John O’Groats exercise to look at each services journey over the course of the 2 year CQUIN and to look at how culture has changed over that time. We also had some group work around “how to measure service user involvement in risk assessment”.
All of this information was captured over the year in the Bulletins that are sent out to ensure that everyone can benefit from the information and work that has taken place in the CQUIN Groups.

Please click on the following links to see the Newsletters for this CQUIN:

Risk Bulletin 7

Risk Bulletin 6

Risk Bulletin 5

Risk Bulletin 4

Risk Bulletin 3

Risk Bulletin 2

Risk Bulletin 1


Smoking Cessation CQUIN

The Smoking Cessation CQUIN ran once a quarter for the one year duration of the CQUIN. 2 of the Network services were involved in the planning and delivery of these CQUIN groups with the meetings being attended by all of the Network partners. This was a very difficult and emotive topic for many people; both staff and service users within services, and also for people who have attended the CQUIN meetings. This is a CQUIN that has affected many people and where most see the CQUIN’s as improving things for the better in terms of what service users want; this was viewed by many as restrictive, removing choice, and as being imposed on them. Also all the services who attended the meetings were at different stages as they had different dates for when they were going smoke free. In some ways this was a good thing as there was an opportunity for services to learn from others who were further ahead, however it also at times served to highlight the feeling of unfairness in some respects. Saying that a lot of really good and productive work came out of these meetings and people started to pull together and support each other in a really helpful way.
We had presentations from services about how they approached it, one brought along some smoking cessation tools. We also did some group work around developing person centred care plans that were led by service users and that were really personal to them around their plan and the support they would require when stopping smoking.
We looked at a number of different issues that services were coming up against such as: how to overcome/reduce staff and service user anxiety, how to manage transitions between smoking/non-smoking services, how to manage Section 17, how to prevent boredom and occupy time and how to increase motivation. We used the 6 Thinking Hats model to think collaboratively and creatively about these issues and this can all be found in the Smoking Cessation Bulletins that were sent out throughout the year.
All of this information was captured over the year in the Bulletins that are sent out to ensure that everyone can benefit from the information and work that has taken place in the CQUIN Groups.

Please click on the following links to see the Newsletters for this CQUIN:

Smoking Cessation CQUIN Bulletin 3

Smoking Cessation CQUIN Bulletin 2

Smoking Cessation CQUIN Bulletin 1