Support to Deliver Outcomes

“The Network gives us courage to champion change – we are a body of people with a common goal who help each other be the best we can be”

  • CQUINs – Ensure that commissioners complete CQUIN assessments with services in a creative and inclusive way. Ensure there is a communication channel with NHS England around CQUIN compliance and areas that need addressing within CQUIN meetings.
  • Admin support to free up Involvement Leads time to effectively deliver on the strategy – continually develop the admin role as needed.
  • Work with all the services to support the development, delivery and evaluation of the 16 engagement plans as advisors/consultants
  • PD Strategy work – complete report with recommendations to feed in to the wider strategy work being completed by Mark Naylor.
  • PD Strategy work – Attend and contribute to the PD Stategy steering group and feedback outcomes of focus groups and interviews to the group
  • Network projects to be formally supported by the commissioning team e.g. SeQuIn tool, revised CPA standards through KPI’s/contracting meetings etc.
  • Regularly evaluate engagement plans to measure progress and service improvement in Involvement using a consistent method.
  • Outcome measures – Number of meetings per quarter, number of other events per quarter – to be used for the annual reports
  • SeQuIn Tool to be refined and developed with the University of Central Lancashire and InMind to include easy read accessible version and online version for ease of use. Including website and Point and Widgits
  • Use all data collected for annual report – attendance etc.
  • Secure funding on a longer term basis/substantively for the roles
  • Consideration to be given to the potential to expand the Involvement Lead roles and team.
  • STP work – Ensure longer term and sustainable involvement in forensic services across the three STP’s.
  • Roll out the SeQuIn Tool and support services to use it effectively and share best practice
  • Look into the possibility of the SeQuIn Tool becoming a CQUIN in the future

Mindset & Culture Change

“The Network helps drive changes in the hospitals, and culture through sharing best practice”

“The Network promotes respect”

“A great opportunity to hear what other hospitals are doing and to share our own initiatives and projects with others”

  • Learn and develop better ways to involve people in service development, including staff – through the use of Individual Engagement Plans
  • PD Strategy work – hold a sequence of events to feedback to PD services in the wider region about the Strategy work with Mark Naylor, ensure everyone is involved in the process and have different ways to feed in and get involved.
  • To become more coordinated in how events are planned, developed, promoted and organised.
  • Involvement roles to include a consultancy style approach, and to be involved with strategic planning within the STP’s and the Network
  • Creating a culture of a 2 way process of feeding in information about what is going on within the service to the Network to share and improve practice
  • feeding back information from the Network about the meeting outcomes to staff and service users within the service to share and improve practice. “
    STP work – Support the innovation and culture change required to develop a new model of care and pathways
  • Build the learning around what goes into a buddying Action Learning Set type process across the Network.
  • Support services with Carer involvement Initiatives, including implementing the Carers Toolkit – possible project group around this.
  • Develop the Network to include non-secure services within the pathway so that staff and service users can continue to be engaged with the Network and the Network can ensure consistency and cohesiveness across the pathway.
  • Develop peer support within the Network.


“Opportunities to have a say on our services”

“Service users from other services have been inspired by this network, and have increased their own engagement in the hospital”

“Listening to people’s stories gives me hope”

  • Ensure there is a variety of ways for people to choose to engage with the Network meetings – Sharing best practice through presentations or group work, team building, Imagineer, Round Robin, contributing to group work and discussions, bringing information to the meetings and feeding back to the service afterwards, contributing to Newsletters, sitting on planning groups. The Website and the use of Point and Widgits software. Imagineer”
  • Use volunteer sheets to engage people with the regional meetings and ensure everyone gets involved how they want to
  • Maintain an awareness of wider opportunities for Involvement and proactively promote these within the Network. E.g. Recovery and Outcomes Group, PD Network, Quality Network. STP groups etc.
  • Support to embed involvement structures within services through individual engagement plans and the Benchmarking Tool.
  • Increased engagement with the wider Network meetings – raise awareness of the Network on the wards with both staff and service users.
  • Support services to maintain and increase their engagement through the individual Service Engagement Plans.
  • Ensure commissioners are an active and ongoing part of the 5 year Involvement strategy alongside all Network services – through their Individual Engagement Plan.
  • Continue to develop creative ways to help make all meetings and information accessible to all, including the use of Newsletters to share information.
  • PD Strategy work – Engage and consult with service users and staff through the use of focus groups and individual interviews in nominated services in each STP. Use the learning from the pilot phase in Humber Coast and Vale.
  • Evaluation – sign in sheets at meetings for monitoring attendance – services, service users and staff for annual reports.
  • STP work – Engage with service users and staff in developing future integrated pathways and innovative service provision across the three STPs
  • STP work – Consult with service users and staff around current in-patient services and provision across the whole pathway with a focus on quality, service user experience and outcomes, gaps in services, treatment focus, the workforce and unwarranted variation
  • Develop creative ways to collect meaningful feedback from meetings. Evaluate processes to further develop involvement and engagement and ensure they are FABULOUS!
  • Think about how best to involve others who are harder to engage – sharing strategies across the region.
  • Increase engagement with each service by having a nominated person who takes the lead for Involvement with the Network, ensuring consistency, good attendance and engagement.
  • Develop ways to ensure that there are always people involved and that this doesn’t stop when someone moves on.
  • Work with each STP area to develop local Involvement Networks with staff and service users. Look at opportunities to engage with community providers, FOLS, whole pathway engagement from April 2020
  • Ensure engagement is developed and maintained with the 3 STP areas, and to develop an Individual Engagement Plan with each of them
  • Development of Action Learning Set for sharing best practice throughout the Network.
  • Consider the use of technology for further sharing and engaging people with the Network – Podcast, film, live streaming.


“Gives hope and inspiration”

“You learn more from failure than success”

“Socialise and meet people”

“Do what makes you happy and smile”

  • Ensure the meetings are a way for people to find out what is happening, be able to ask questions, and feedback to commissioners. Commissioners to be present as a direct link at all Network meetings.
  • Support service users and staff to be involved with the Mental Health Service Review and for services to work collaboratively with each other through the process, as well as with wider pathways.
  • Identifying gaps for people who don’t engage and develop strategies for this.
  • Develop a form for volunteering at meetings for presentations, team building and other opportunities
  • Offer regular peer support to all Involvement Leads within the Network to get support from others, to share information, to promote consistency, to reduce isolation due to the autonomous nature of the role.
  • Consider what motivates people to get involved in the Network and offer more of those opportunities. Use the Evaluation sheets to collate this
  • Support staff with increasing motivation of service users to ensure better engagement in community meetings/ involvement forums
  • Improve profile of regional involvement within the services to ensure people are aware of opportunities for involvement and the benefits of this – attending meetings and events within services, ensuring our faces are familiar within services, posters…
  • CQUIN meeting Leads – Services per CQUIN area identified and linked to a mentoring role to other non – lead services.
  • Deliver an annual conference for the Network that celebrates achievements related to Involvement, which is fun, creative and inclusive.
  • Develop guidance for presentations to ensure that they are always accessible, appropriate and collaborative and run to time.
  • Develop a culture of presenting ‘1 thing that went wrong, why it went wrong and what was the learning’ to create a culture of shared learning and support the less confident and established services to feel empowered and able to engage and deliver.”
  • Involvement – lots of opportunities currently exist. To undertake a review among services to determine if all fit for purpose and identify new ideas for involvement and engagement with the Network. SeQuIn tool for Involvement.